Set out your targets, the methods for getting to there and the time it will take to do so. It guides evaluation of activity and process, starting a cycle of continuous improvement
Effective business development is a long term programme and follows a clear process. It is about building awareness amongst your prospects and developing new relationships. You need to understand and show how you will enhance business for your potential customers.
The more you understand who you are presenting to the better your presentation will be. Thorough preparation reveals the most effective structure for your presentation, making you more persuasive! Rehearse to be confident and more professional!
What are the best ways to speak to your customers? Can you use one medium to generate coverage in other media channels? The most effective programmes use a range of media channels to encourage and build a conversation with the audience. This generates further reach, through the most powerful media channel of all, "word of mouth."
Part of the marketing mix, an essential part of building awareness more quickly is to build relationships with those who can spread the word.
Like building a pipeline of new business relationships, build a database of press contacts and influencers and develop the right messages to get your point across.
Above the line, below the line, through the line - advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, loyalty campaigns. What should you be saying and how do your customers want to find out about you?
Interact directly with your audience. Getting customers to "discover you" generates great brand loyalty. Build that relationship. Generate excitement and conversation, circulate promotions, learn what works, learn more about your customers. Of course, defining your strategy and messaging will be a key part of your sales and marketing plan.
Plan, test, learn and improve. Understand the levers of your business, across product and offering, performance and process. What are the levers, which do you need to pull and how hard? Well planned, structured, regular, honest and thorough evaluation against your plan will start an upwards cycle of improvement and faster growth.
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